Mindfulness is learning to focus on the present moment and relishing living in the present moment.
If you stop to think about it - how often are your thoughts 🤔 💠in the past or the future. They are not your realty - only the present moment is.
The small stuff is never the small stuff - it's about learning to value, appreciate and value what you are doing in the present moment - be it having a cup of coffee - listening to music 🎶 or just a walk in nature.
Learn to be fully present - bring your mental spotlight to the here and now - learn to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Let your thoughts be like passing clouds - acknowledge them with becoming attached to them and they will pass. Leaving you in a calmer - relaxed state of mind.
Thinking is of course important - but being permanently in thinking mode - leads to stress and anxiety.
Learn the techniques of mindfulness as a tool for command not being overwhelmed by your thoughts.
Mindfulness is an ancient zen technique - which you can learn to lead a more fulfilling and relaxed way of life.