Welcome to My Blog - learn to Navigate Your Map from Anxiety and Stress - to emotional freedom and personal happiness.
Explore our latest articles and resources to help you on your journey to overcoming anxiety and stress. The Buddha stated approximately 2.500 years ago 'Rule your mind or it will rule you'. Learning how to stop creating your own unhappiness with your own thinking and learning to observe your thoughts rather than let them define you is the absolute key to changing your life- from an anxious stressed person to a calm reflective new powerful you. Approaching this idea with an open mind and an open heart is the key to a positive transformation in your life.
Your mind doesn't produce reality - it produces thoughts: filtered, biased,conditional thoughts - which you believe is true. it becomes your reality - and this distorted thought system is making you unhappy. To become happy is to change your relationship with your own thinking - it is not necessarily circumstance. Many people live lives - which could be assessed as difficult - but still are happy - they maintain a positive mindset. How? The answer is recognizing you have a choice - when the negative thought wants to sweep you out to sea on a strong tide of regret,guilt, despair. envy.or past memories which keep you in a spiral of negativity - never allowing you to enjoy the peace and serenity of the present moment which is your to enjoy.
Detachment from your unhealthful - ruminating thoughts is key to changing your mindset. Observe them the way you observe clouds in the sky - they come and go - but you are always the sky - a place of deep wisdom and peace. We may not be able to stop our uninvited obtrusive thought as they arrive - but we can observe them in an increasing detached manner - so they no longer have the power to control our reality. It is by this practiced ancient technique that we all can learn that anxiety doesn't define us, or control us. We can instead move to a place of control - not being a victim to our own emotions and feelings and finally find the place we our all searching for a place of inner peace and harmony.
It is time to cultivate love and compassion for yourself - which for to long has been absent in your life. And remember - it takes a very strong and wise person to distrust his own thinking - and develop a new and healthy relationship with your own thoughts.
So if this resonates with you - get in touch and lets begin your journey to a new healthier, happier you.

Tips for Managing Anxiety
Discover practical tips and techniques for managing anxiety in your daily life. From breathing exercises to positive affirmations, we've got you covered.
Success Stories from Clients
Read inspiring stories from individuals who have transformed their lives with our therapy sessions. Find hope and motivation in their journeys.
Information about Hypnosis and NLP
Learn about the power of hypnosis and NLP in reprogramming your mind for positive change. Understand the science behind these transformative techniques.
Guided Mindfulness Exercises
Practice mindfulness with our guided exercises designed to bring calm and focus to your busy life. Enhance your well-being with these simple yet powerful techniques.
Start Your Journey to a Peaceful Mind Today
Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life. Contact us for a free 30-minute consultation and discover how we can help you transform your mindset.